Pickleball Scoresheet does not store any personal data. No accounts, logins, or passwords are required to use the software. All saved match data is stored in local storage on your browser and is not accessible by Pickleball Scoresheet.

Using Live mode will store the match object in the database. The match object only contains data associated with the match. No personal data such as email, phone, name, IP address, or any other personally identifiable information is stored in the database when using Live mode. Pickleball Scoresheet does not use cookies.

Pickleball Scoresheet will never try to contact you for any reason. There are no ways for the site to communicate with you. Pickleball Scoresheet does not have an email address so do not open any email that claims to be from us.

Basically this page just exists to reassure you that you can use this site and app without worrying about being tracked or having your data sold to third parties. You’re welcome!